Who Mugged the Goddess?

Today is International Women’s Day, the day we remember and honour women for who they are and what they bring to the world. For me, it’s a day to take stock and notice how we, as a society, are honouring the divine feminine principles. Although we’ve come a long way, the journey towards balance between the masculine and feminine is far from over. And to understand where we’re going requires us to understand where we’ve been. This pondering led me to a question: ‘Who mugged the Goddess’?

On a trip to Malta a few years ago, … READ MORE

What Creates Success: Goals or Intentions?

Our society is obsessed with goals. Gurus in all shapes and sizes preach about the power and importance of goal setting for success. Many suggest that without goals, your life will stall and you will never achieve your full potential. But is this true? I would suggest that while goals are important, they are only one half of the equation. The other, seemingly ’forgotten’ half, are intentions. The difference between goals an intentions may seem like semantics, but it’s not…. READ MORE

Open to Life!

A big myth lurks in our society.  It invades all aspects of our lives from our relationships to our careers to our free time.  It is this:  nothing happens unless we ‘do’ something to make it happen. Yes, ‘doing’ can make things happen; but there is another way, which is less known and celebrated, but yet is just as powerful, if not more powerful. Being open. Notice that I said ‘being’ open, because it truly is a state of being, an energy or vibration at which you flow or resonate. When you are open, opportunities and synchronicities abound!

Perhaps an example would be helpful… READ MORE